Posting On Instagram At Right Time Will Help In Business Growth


The first question that seems to pop up in your mind more is about the right time when you are going to post something on Instagram. Well, it only depends on where the followers are actually located. After analyzing as many as 12 million Instagram posts, it was found out that the best overall time for posting on Instagram will be between 9 am and 11 am EST.

But, this time might not be the right one for your business. Every account has a unique audience base with followers located across various cities and even countries. So, it is always mandatory for you to find out the personalized best time for posting on Instagram. Right now, it has been explained the right time to post on Instagram.

The best time to post:

Depending on the quick research and some thorough surveys, the reliable professionals have been able to break down the right time when you can post your content on Instagram. So, you can check out the below reference for that quick understanding.

  • Monday: 6am, 10am and 10pm EST
  • Tuesday: 2am, 4am and 9am EST
  • Wednesday: 7am, 8am and 11pm EST
  • Thursday: 9am, 12pm and 7pm EST
  • Friday: 5am, 1pm and 3pm EST
  • Saturday: 11am, 7pm, and 8pm EST
  • Sunday: 7am, 8am and 4pm EST

You can mark these as some of the best times on average to post your content on Instagram. But, if you are looking out for some more engagement, it is always mandatory for you to find out the personalized best time. It solely depends on the business you are running and your unique audience base. Instagram has timeliness as one of its major factors.

With the new Instagram algorithm, the time has gone up a notch in its importance level. As this social media platform is trying to prioritize new content on feeds, your best time to get the content in front of the followers is by posting them when most of them are online and going through the app. It is one easy way to hack the algorithm of Instagram just to increase your reach count and get some more followers and likes.

How to find the best time to post on Instagram:

Even though you got some timings mentioned before, but none of those are personalized. After going through some surveys and researches, people have talked about those times, and those are mentioned on an average scale. For finding the best posting time on Instagram, there are certain tips that you might care to follow. Just like being 100% sure before you buy likes for Instagram, be absolutely sure of the timing before you start posting.

Always review the top-performing posts:

At first, you might need to consider the performance that you are aiming for, which can be either engagement or brand awareness. The timing approach on your Instagram posts will vary quite a lot, based on which factor is more effective and important to you.

  • Check out the past and see which posts have earned higher impressions. When did you last post them, and are these posts anything different from the ones that earned you likes?
  • Instagram analytics will be the best source to get your answers straight. Not all tools are born equal, and some are used to avoid heavy data crunching.

According to some of the research sites, the best time to post Instagram content is by checking out the historical performance. It will analyze the post for the last 30 days and then group them by the hour and weekday. After that, they are going to calculate average engagement or impression rates for identifying the correct time slot.

When the audience remains most active:

If you are determined to find the right time to post then, you have to check out the analytics. It will help you to determine when the followers are most active and scrolling through the feeds. You have to know your audience before entering the business market. In case you are targeting the next generation sports fan on Instagram, for example, then their consumption habits will differ wildly from the tech executives waking up at 4 Am to mediate in infrared saunas.

Some of the surveys will break down the information on the best time to publish the content on the Instagram platform. It will help the users to experiment with multiple predicting time slots where the Instagram followers remain online. It might further suggest the time slots that you haven’t used already within the last 30 days. So, it is the right time to shape up posting habits and then test our multiple tactics down the line.

More on the timing:

As it has been mentioned in many articles available online, 10 am to 3 pm is considered to be the best time of day to post content on Instagram. However, the day when you are going to post your content will change the engaging routine that will start from 10 am to 3 pm.

  • Posting at around 7 am CDT from Wednesday to Friday will help you to generate the highest engagement level. People will check their phones at that time right after waking up.
  • On the other hand, posting from 11 pm to 3 pm CFT during weekdays will generate some extra engagement on Instagram as well. People will take time to check their phone during lunch break or when they want to revive some mental energy after monotonously working for some time.
  • In case you are making plans to post Instagram content on weekends, then post around 10 am CDT on Saturday when people are mostly having their brunch or hanging out with their friends.

So, while posting content on Instagram, don’t just go for the time range only. You have to consider the day of the week and even the business you are in before making the final posting. If you have gathered all time-related information, it becomes easier for you to gain trust from people and grow your following count in no time.