How Often Do You Change Your Bettas Water?


Betta fish are social animals, and their ability to thrive in a group is greatly influenced by their water chemistry. Betta fish are sensitive to changes in the water they live in, and as a result, they require a consistent temperature and hardness level. By keeping your Betta fish in specific water chemistry, you are helping them to thrive.

We recommend changing your Betta fish’s water, at least, every two weeks. Change the water in your Betta fish’s tank at least twice a month.

This will help maintain the ideal water chemistry for your Betta fish, which is especially important if you are feeding your Betta fish pellets or flakes. If you are feeding your Betta fish flakes or pellets, you will need to change the water in their tank more often. You will also need to change the water in their tank more often if you have a Betta fish with specific conditions (such as a fin-nipping Betta fish). What is the best way to change my Betta fish’s water?

Change Your Betta Fish’s Water First

It is best to change your Betta fish’s water first and then feed them. This will help prevent the food from getting stuck in their digestive tract and making them sick.

Add new water change first

The best way to change your Betta fish’s water is to add new water first, then pour the old water out.

This will help keep a consistent level of water chemistry for your Betta fish. To make it easier for you, we recommend changing 20% of the tank each time. That is 80 mL per gallon of water in the tank, click here for more information.

Don’t add the old water first

When you change the water in your Betta fish’s tank, you will have to add new water first. Adding the old water can cause bacteria to build up in your fish tank and potentially lead to bacterial infections.

Always change the water together

The best way to change your Betta fish’s water is to replace the water in the tank and remove all of the gravel every time. This will help maintain consistent water chemistry for your Betta fish.

This would be especially helpful if you are feeding your Betta fish pellets or flakes because these foods carry minerals that can build up in the gravel, which can affect your Betta fish’s water chemistry. If you have a fin-nipping Betta fish, it would also be a good idea to clean out the gravel more often.

Use a Betta fish tank conditioner to help prevent your Betta fish from getting sick

You should use a Betta fish tank conditioner when you change your Betta fish’s water. A Betta fish tank conditioner will help protect your Bettas from getting sick. Remember to cycle the water in your Betta fish’s tank between fresh and treated water as well. This will reduce the chances of any build-up of harmful bacteria or toxins that could be harmful to your Betta fish.

To properly change the water in your Betta fish’s tank, follow these steps:

1) Remove all old water from the tank by using a siphon or vacuum cleaner

2) Rinse the inside of the tank with new, clean water

3) Fill up the clean, empty Betta fish tank with fresh, treated water

4) Wait 15-20 minutes for it to warm up to room temperature

5) Add this newly filled, warmed up water to your new, cleaned out tank


Changing your Betta fish’s water is an important part of keeping your fish healthy and happy. There are a few ways to do this, but it’s best to use a Betta fish tank conditioner to help prevent your Betta fish from getting sick. If your Betta fish is in a large tank, you should change the water first and then add the old water. If your Betta fish is in a small tank, you should add the new water first and then change it. This prevents your fish from being shocked by the sudden change in water quality. In any case, it’s important to change the water together or else you can cause your Betta fish illness.