How To Effectively Secure AWS Cloud : Tutorial


The cybersecurity environment is flourishing at a very high rate these days. The number of businesses that are using cybersecurity to enjoy the services. Out of all the options available in the market, one of the best names that are being used by most companies is AWS- Amazon Web Services. One can leverage the best security features to give complete security to their infrastructures. There are many other services and a customer can utilize them as per their needs. The main advantage due to which companies prefer AWS are the ability to host dynamic websites using managed databases, SQL server, and store the files securely. So, it is important to use the best practices for AWS cloud security to explore the enhanced features without any troubles.

There are seamless applications of serverless computing which will know in the article.

1- Security Strategy and Then Tools

It is one of the common questions that strikes a newbies’ mind. The best way to commence is to put the strategy first and then accordingly determine which tools and controls would work the best. In this way, you would be able to establish security in all the functions of the organization becomes easy. If you are looking for help then you can visit

2- Enforcing Cloud Security Procedures

S3 bucket breaches containing sensitive information is one of the recent S3 attacks. Only specific users have the leverage to accesses these buckets. SO, in order to ensure that these packets are safe, it is recommended to create a set of well-articulated and consistent security procedures and controls. Hence, the type of data can be defined and stored in the cloud. The next is a building of creating a category of sensitive data.

3- Applying Security In All Layers

Applying only one firewall in the infrastructure is not sufficient as per today’s time. In order to apply security to all layers, you can use virtual frameworks on virtual networks. It would help to monitor and control the network traffic and operating system. The firewalls can be easily installed and if you need any kind of expert advice in the same, then you can knock on the doors of

4- Using Native Cloud Security Options

Many tools can be used to protect web applications. Some of the names that can be utilized to secure the cloud environment are Guard Duty, AWS Shield, Cloud Watch, and more. Moreover, the pre-configuration if some standard compliance frameworks are to be performed.

5- Developing A Security Culture

Every team member of the company should pay efforts and contribute to maintaining security in the system. You can encourage your team members to learn the latest technologies. If they lack the zeal to work and improve their skills, then hiring fresh candidates who can have a high-hand on tools and technologies. It will help you strengthen the overall security of the company and increase the level of services offered.

6- Monitoring User Access For Your Database

The above-written step is important. It helps to determine the aim of working in the direction you have been walking. Move to the cloud and then implement the granular or least privileges access controls. 

Do you use applications using external data sources? Consider using controls such as data-in-motion encryption and data integrity application. This step would help to maintain confidentiality and data integrity.

7- Configuring A Password Policy

Credential suffering, password cracking, and brute force attacks are a few common security attacks. So, having a strong password in place can significantly reduce the problems and minimize the chances of a security breach. 

You can use password generator tools to form a secure and complex password. Moreover, the encryption of the sensitive information with the use of HTTPS, and AWS Service, and end-to-end SSL/TLS is important. One tip- don’t use expired certificates and backup your data regularly using AWS backup. 

Using EBS encryption and locking down your root account credentials are the steps to be followed. Moreover, AWS policies should be used up to date. It helps to minimize malware, unauthorized user, and access. Your servers should be patched and the key policies should be used to control access to CMKs. These are the steps that can be used to implement AWS cloud security. Hope the above tutorial of saving AWS cloud will help you and save a lot of time. Check out this Free AWS practice test questions.