The Beginner’s Guide to Increasing Sales Using Social Media


Digital marketing plays a huge role in today’s business setting. The Internet stores a massive amount of information that can overwhelm consumers and make it challenging for businesses to stand out from the competition.

One tried-and-true Internet marketing strategy recommended by a firm is to take your brand to social media.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are a good avenue to connect with your market. However, most consumers, even those who like your page, spend their time on these platforms for other activities, like catching up with friends or sharing relatable content. 


Motivating your audience to check your business page, read your posts, or click the buy button requires more than just posting updates.

Whether you run a law firm or a dental practice anywhere from Toronto to Hamilton, investing in an online advertising agency by a trusted social media marketing service Hamilton is an excellent solution. However, there are still certain things you can do on your own. 

Here are a few tips to make the vast landscape of social media an easier territory to navigate:

Tip #1: Create a Tight-Knit Social Community

In a world swayed by influencer culture, it’s easy to fall for the misconception that brands need to have more followers to get more sales. Unless you’re only after the vanity metrics, this is the way to go. However, if your goal is higher conversion rates, you need to focus your efforts on generating quality followers and building a loyal and tight-knit social community. 

To establish a trust-driven relationship with your market, you need to establish a trustworthy persona for your brand. Sharing relevant, non-business content, like memes, videos, or photo quotes, encourages a positive response from your audience. These posts generate more engagement compared to the heavily sales-y ones. The community might also appreciate a behind-the-scenes peek at your processes through documentary videos and photos.

Tip #2: Create a Group for Engagement

Social media groups are specialized avenues to connect with people in your market. For the most part, community members feel more secure engaging with brands through these groups. You can use such channels to share members-exclusive content that further serves to nurture the relationship with loyal followers.

Now, while these people naturally sign up to be part of forums or newsletters, they may respond negatively to unmoderated content. Spam, rude comments, and bad conduct will only jeopardize what you are trying to build. Stay on top of these interactions to maintain your hold on your audience.

Tip #3: Build Relationships with Influencers and Social Media Celebrities


Social networks have given ordinary people an avenue to broadcast their thoughts about products and services they paid for. This gave rise to what is now known as influencer culture. Influencers are social media users with thousands, if not millions, of followers. Every post they share represents the massive potential to direct attention towards endorsed brands.

Also considered affiliate marketing, influencer marketing is one of the most effective advertising strategies. Influencers have also leveraged this situation. They treat this as a serious job that presents them with unlimited income opportunities. Together, small businesses and social media celebrities can work to increase brand revenues.

Tip #4: Consider Paid Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing Vancouver experts caution that many small companies encounter setbacks in terms of funding. Although there is a growing number of businesses that take advantage of social media platforms, there is still a significant number of entrepreneurs who are not taking enough risks.

Facebook is one of the social media platforms that offer the lowest paid marketing rates for an incredibly large number of impressions. For less than $20 a day, you can aim your campaign at a specific audience and earn a solid return for your investment.

The only risk in paid social media marketing is that you may end up paying more than what you’re getting. Not all ads deliver, and that is true for all marketing platforms. To cut the risks, you can start off with a smaller budget and see how things work out in the next few days or weeks.

Tip #5: Humanize and Connect

Social media is a powerfully convenient way to humanize your brand and connect with the market at a different level.

A solid illustration of this is the story of a man named Sam Darlaston and his interaction with the supermarket Tesco. He purchased a piece of broccoli from them that apparently had a caterpillar in it. A social media post was all it took for a series of hilarious exchanges to ensue.

Most people would have been grossed out if not for the terrific job that the social media managers of Tesco demonstrated. They went as far as supporting the “memorial” supposedly held for the caterpillar. The Internet loved their exchange, and a disaster was turned into an excellent PR stunt that other brands can learn from.

This refreshingly human approach is also effective marketing with its unbeatable potential for going viral.

Small companies should not shy away from social media marketing. This effective and relatively cost-effective avenue can provide a platform to gain audience attention and higher sales conversion. Tapping the help of some of the best SEO agencies in Canada is a good way to start your social media campaigns.